
Delacroix pastel – “A Garden Path at Augerville”


Who knew Delacroix did pastels of nature??? I recently came across this delightful pastel full of light and shadow. Let’s have a closer look.

Eugene Delacroix, "A Garden Path at Augerville," 11.81 x 16.54 in, pastel on paper, c.1855, private collection
Eugene Delacroix, “A Garden Path at Augerville,” 11.81 x 16.54 in, pastel on paper, c.1855, private collection

The piece is divided into thirds vertically, with one third filled with light and the remaining two thirds mysterious and darker. Look at the lower area where you can still see the remains of an initial layer of what looks like black and dark green. On top of that layer are the indications of plants – the foxglove on the left for instance. The lit part on the right looks like a path but it appears to lead into a wall with shadows falling over it. Or is that a doorway? And then I ask, what is that cave-like dark area in the upper middle with vines of some sort falling over it? What are we looking at? Parts of the artwork have only a couple of layers of pastel while other areas seem to be built up with as many layers as Delacroix felt he needed to depict what he saw. I am sure this is a plein air pastel.

It appears that Delacroix bequeathed the pastel to Mr Ferdinand Leroy, Director of Caisse des Travaux of Paris. Since then it has appeared in Gallery exhibitions including one at the Philadelphia Museum in 1998 entitled, ” Delacroix The Late Work.”

The Chateau Augerville
The Chateau Augerville – so grand. I wonder where Delacroix painted his pastel?

As found on Wikipedia, the Chateau at Augerville was owned by Antoine Pierre Berryer, advocate and counselor to the French Parliament. Delacroix was among his many celebrated guests (and I am assuming he did this pastel on site).

As an aside, the chateau is now a hotel. In case you have the urge to visit (!), here is the Chateau Augerville website.

The Chateau Augerville today
The Chateau Augerville today

Did you know Delacroix painted such loose pastels? Do you know of other examples? If so, I’d love to feature them so please send me any info.

Thanks for joining me,

~ Gail



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