Comments on: Embracing The Imperfection In Plein Air Painting Info, opinion, and training on how to pastel with artist Gail Sibley BFA, MA Mon, 29 May 2023 15:43:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gail Sibley Mon, 29 May 2023 15:43:56 +0000 In reply to Jane Wirth.

Jane, it’s so easy to get caught up in the thought that we need this and that. I’ve decided I can still carry less as I prepare for my UK trip. Ideally, you have a standing easel but I’ve travelled without one (cos it’s probably the heaviest thing I take) and find a place to sit. NOT ideal but really, when you think about the purpose of painting en plein air (grabbing an impression of place and your response to it as well as learning to see colour and value in real life), it does the trick!

By: Jane Wirth Sat, 20 May 2023 18:15:46 +0000 Hi Gail, Thanks for permission to travel light! I’ve read several articles, chapters on outdoor painting, and watched some UTube videos on what to take. Lately I’ve been painting about town since I love being in the world rather than indoors. When taking all that is recommended in articles, etc., I can hardly pick up my the large backpack I bought. I’ve had shoulder surgery a couple of times so have to find something to sit the pack on that is at least waist high. I’ve kept saying….I don’t use that…..or that….or this! I’m not done thinning out yet and your small short lists are going to be a real help. Bless you! Jane

By: Gail Sibley Tue, 24 Aug 2021 04:50:48 +0000 In reply to Peter Weatherill.

Ahhh Peter, yes! Such a great story about the vitality that comes with working on location, an energy almost impossible to replicate in studio. I do feel for the owners of your painting and wonder how the damage happened?

By: Peter Weatherill Mon, 23 Aug 2021 08:59:12 +0000 Such a useful article, Gail, and I can’t agree more about Plein Air and accepting the imperfections. Owners of a Plein Air pastel of mine had it damaged by water and asked if I could repeat it. I had four attempts and failed miserably to get the feeling of the original which had taken about an hour to complete. I finished up carrying out remedial work to the original but it was nothing like the original done on site on the day. The temptation is always to ‘fiddle’ and that loses the impact.

By: Gail Sibley Thu, 19 Aug 2021 02:10:47 +0000 In reply to Tamara Culp.

Tamara, thank you so much for sharing your story with starting plein air work. It really helps to go out with a group because it does keep you going when initially, you may be having thoughts of quitting given the feelings of overwhelm and all the other things going on with painting on location! So brava for your commitment. And YES! so much payoff!

The overwhelm of seeing the whole world is huge and real. Which is why I recommend using a viewfinder AND doing thumbnails. I think a viewfinder is a must for someone just starting out. And, there’s always one in my bag…just in case. (It’s also got other uses which I detail in this blog post and this one (about using it to help see colour).)

By: Gail Sibley Thu, 19 Aug 2021 02:05:00 +0000 In reply to Judi Moncur.

Thanks so much Judi!! And yes, sometimes less is more when it comes to plein air materials. Like anything though, when you use the easel etc over and over, it all becomes easy to set up. Practice makes perfect hah hah.
Thanks for sharing your stories of plein air experiences – that’s so much of what makes it enjoyable! I’d love to have been there with the pelican!
(And yeah ugh, I cringe to think of those pastels….)

By: Judi Moncur Wed, 18 Aug 2021 00:14:40 +0000 Gail, I love the way you can produce such a colourful and interesting painting with these few pastels and no easel. I bought a plein air easel a couple of years ago, but i have found it a lot of bother to set up. I haven’t done a lot of plein air, usually with the same friend, and found pastel a bit messy-prefer water or gouache sketches. But the best thing is the interactions I’ve had while painting. Last time a bunch of school kids on a camp who had been kayaking came and had a look and admired my painting (although I thought it was awful). I spent the next few minutes telling them about pastels and how doing art is fun and can enhance their lives. That was the day I left my pastels on top of my friend’s car and lost them – I’ve already told that story! Another time a pelican came out of the water and right up to me- slightly unnerving but memorable!

By: Gail Sibley Tue, 17 Aug 2021 16:20:24 +0000 ]]> In reply to Mary Frische.

Mary, I do hear you about tinkering!! Great word to describe what we can get into doing if we aren’t vigilant!
So very glad to hear that you use and see the benefit of doing thumbnails. They DO make a difference don’t they?
And of course all this applies to portrait work (the not-tinkering and the thumbnails). Always good to hear about moving forward 😁

By: Tamara Culp Tue, 17 Aug 2021 12:09:39 +0000 I go out with a group of seasoned plein air artists weekly. This will be fun, I thought, and a great way to safely socialize after a year of isolation. I never dreamed how overwhelming painting out would be! Trying to focus on simple shapes while being presented with, literally, everything under the sun has been a real education. Occasionally I succeed, sometimes I can save a piece back at home, sometimes I’m just thankful to have learned something! After 6 months I’m starting to understand how to rein in my vision. After 6 months I see how I’ve been able to apply my hard won knowledge to my studio work. After 6 months I can’t wait to continue!

By: Mary Frische Tue, 17 Aug 2021 00:25:07 +0000 I tinker and tinker until I manage to overwork everything. I have to listen hard to my don’t tinker side. Oh, and the thumbnails are so helpful. I now do them every time, with good results in value work. I love portrait work over all other forms, and learning to go easy on a face color is getting there!
