Comments on: Do You Need An Easel? Info, opinion, and training on how to pastel with artist Gail Sibley BFA, MA Sun, 12 Mar 2023 19:22:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gail Sibley Sun, 12 Mar 2023 19:22:40 +0000 In reply to Carol Ann Miller.

That’s awesome to hear Carol Ann! It’s always great to hear about specific recommendations. Here’s a link for anyone interested!

By: Carol Ann Miller Sun, 26 Feb 2023 17:32:04 +0000 Hi Gail, I’m new to pastels (5 months) and received my first H-frame easel as a Christmas Gift. The easel I requested and received was the Blick brand Medium Duty H-frame easel. In my opinion it was a great value. I’m in the US and it cost $150-160 with free shipping on sale. It was an easel Karen Margulis recommended and I’m thrilled to have it. I’m in the process of moving all my pastel supplies and painting to one end of my weaving studio where I have wonderful light. This easel has a smaller footprint and will incorporate well into my allotted space. I would recommend to US followers who are on a budget.

By: Gail Sibley Sat, 14 Aug 2021 20:57:35 +0000 In reply to Teresa (Terri) McWilliams Farina.

Great Terri!!

By: Teresa (Terri) McWilliams Farina Sat, 14 Aug 2021 00:38:07 +0000 In reply to Gail Sibley.

This is the one I bought. It seems to work well.

By: Gail Sibley Thu, 29 Apr 2021 22:54:44 +0000 In reply to Gay Storm.

Gay, I’m glad that you have an eye out for a used easel. Idea would be to check with different art associations and colleges/universities. Also, art societies may have newsletters that may have things for sale. And what about putting out a request on Craigslist? Or a local equivalent? I know you’ll find one!!

By: Gay Storm Sat, 24 Apr 2021 06:11:12 +0000 Hi Gail, thanks for all your good info on easels. Unfortunately, I am unable to afford a good easel. I have one that is a tripod – not very good. Also have a table easel – slightly better. I have my eye out for a used one, but don’t know where to look. Any suggestions? I live in Fresno, CA.

By: Gail Sibley Thu, 15 Apr 2021 21:44:56 +0000 In reply to Maria Romero.

Thanks for sharing your experiences with easels Maria. It’s tricky finding what works best and which easel will fit our space and budget. I would hope you could find a standing easel that you can leave up. A small plein air easel might do the trick! And yes to a contraption to hold the tablet. I recently got one (recommended by Richard McKinley) and it works like a dream. It attaches to your board. It doesn’t appear to be available any longer but click here to see a comparable one! They aren’t expensive and make a world of difference!!

By: Gail Sibley Thu, 15 Apr 2021 21:26:50 +0000 ]]> In reply to Beth Planzer Montanus.

Hi Beth, thanks for your question! It’s so difficult at times to find a place of our own to paint. It’s especially great when we have a space where we can leave work and supplies out, and not have to put them away at the end of each painting session.

An unfinished basement sounds like a place of promise and possibility. Is there are least drywall or a finish (ie not just studs and covered insulation)? If so, I would paint the place a bright white so that any light will be reflected around the room. I would also surround yourself with anything that brings you joy – a rug, flowers, books, a comfy chair. It’s great to make the space yours, a place you want to be. I’d say create a studio sanctuary!

As to lighting, I’m not sure what electrical you have set up. If you can add overhead daylight tube lighting, that would be great. In an earlier studio, I had a daylight bulb light set up that I could plug in. I couldn’t have painted without it! Maybe others will have some ideas for you 😁

By: Beth Planzer Montanus Mon, 12 Apr 2021 16:17:12 +0000 Hi, Gail,
I struggle with where to paint in my home. The only place I can without getting pastel dust everywhere we use is the unfinished basement with 1 or 2 of those tiny, high basement windows. Do you have any suggestions for adding light and setting up a studio in an ugly space? It is so depressing and uninspiring, I seldom paint even though I love pastels. I do paint plein air sometimes, but want to be able to paint in my home and cannot rent a studio at this time.

By: Maria Romero Mon, 12 Apr 2021 08:37:10 +0000 Good article! I used to have a simple table top easel that I would place on my desk in front of the computer screen, on which would be the original photo. I bought it after I realized that drawing on the desk top skewed perspective. I could either sit or stand, however I felt better at attacking it. But something happened to it, and now I use an H-frame table top easel that my daughter had. The problem for me is that this holds the board higher up than my old one, and I have to exclusively stand at my desk to use it. Still, it’s fine for me at this time, since my reference photo is always on the computer, which is on my desk, and my study is too small to keep a regular sized easel (my wallet to buy one, too). Some day in the future (when I win a little lottery) I will buy a standing easel that I can dismantle easily, and a tablet to store my photos, along with a contraption to hang it on the easel.
